Why VKIN Should be on the Watchlist For Investors Cooling on Oil

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Viking Energy Group (OTCMKTS: VKIN) has positioned itself as an alternative for energy sector investors currently rattled by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The call for energy independence has never been louder in the US than perhaps this past week. With oil prices surging and supply being threatened by geopolitical stress, firms in the green energy and biomass sector are looking more attractive to investors. The Texas-based VKIN is poised to capitalize on the shift as consumers and businesses turn from rising oil and natural gas prices to more sustainable energy options.

Before exploring VKIN’s place as an exciting option in green fuel, it should be noted the company does still have holdings in traditional oil & gas that have yet to be factored in by energy investors.  VKIN  has proven oil and gas assets valued at over $96 million located in North America in Kansas, Missouri, Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi. 


Viking (OTCMKTS: VKIN) recently announced the acquisition of a biodiesel operation. This biodiesel is a greener, more renewable alternative to crude oil. The facility has the capacity to produce up to 43 million gallons of biodiesel fuel per year (MMgy) and provides VKIN a steady place in the green and renewable market.

Viking Energy Group’s (OTCMKTS: VKIN) green and renewable energy products—primarily its biodiesel—are helping to curb the reliance on foreign oil. As sanctions against Russia came down from the US and much of Europe and NATO members, the flow of oil and natural gas across these regions began to slow. These supply decreases have already started to affect prices at the pump and the utility bills. The reliance on oil and gas imports has come under much scrutiny, even well before the current crisis. As such, Viking Energy Group has done its part in providing alternative energy solutions to lessen the dependence on foreign oil.


Focused on alternative energy solutions and innovative technologies, VKIN is helping to create more sustainable commercial and industrial clients through products like those marketed through its majority-owned subsidiary Simson-Maxwell. Through Simson-Maxwell, VKIN provides power generation products, services, and custom energy solutions. VKIN’s diversification in the energy sector comprises the aforementioned biodiesel as well as other lines, including wind and solar technology, and energy storage. The company also boasts a patent-pending, ready for market,  bio and medical-waste treatment system using OZONE TECHNOLGY.


As it sits, VKIN’s $0.58 per share price may be a great opportunity for investors looking to hedge against the volatility of the traditional oil market. While the energy market is currently dealing with volatility, VKIN could be a short term buy for those looking to ride out the chaos. But even for long-term investors, VKIN and its future-oriented energy products could be a buy that is held on to long after a resolution or new normal comes about. If the market decides to move more and more away from energy dependence and nonrenewable fuels, stocks like VKIN could reap the greatest benefits.

In short, VKIN might find itself at the top of watchlists for years to come.

This article is part of a sponsored investor education program.